pic+vid: arty farty

DER HERR UND SEIN KNECHT creep back onto the field two years after their (spectacular) comedown to resume their fight for dominance and repression. The product of their contention is still in process. One thing is clear - there will be ALTE SUPPE IN NEUEN DOSEN/OLD SOUP IN NEW CANS.

DER HERR UND SEIN KNECHT is an attempt. The attempt to express visually the dialogue between the two artists, the coincidence of two different mentalities, action and reaction, cooperation as two positions against one another.
Their work is based on free association, it is spontaneous, depending on the material, temporal frame and and the mood of the artists. They help themselves from the richly filled bar of art history, use ready-mades, break with styles and roll in the manner of Sysiphos with the stone back to the valley while attempting to bring streetart into the gallery. Collages, installations, performances stand as a result at the end of their work process which move between happening and art guerilla and play with the humor of the observer.
- Arty Farty Gallery